Assault is defined under Section 265 of the Criminal Code as the intentional application of force, directly or indirectly, to another person without their consent.

Potential Assault Charges

The severity of the charge depends on the circumstances surrounding the incident, the presence of a weapon, and the degree of injury inflicted on the victim. 

  • Simple Assault: This occurs when no weapons are involved and the victim does not sustain bodily harm.
  • Assault Causing Bodily Harm: Involves the use of physical force that leads to physical harm to the victim. Physical harm ranges from minor injuries like scratches or a black eye to more severe injuries like sprains or broken bones.
  • Assault With a Weapon: When an individual brandishes or threatens to use a weapon and inflicts bodily harm. Weapons can include not only guns and knives but also everyday objects.
  • Aggravated Assault: This charge is levied when the accused wounds, maims, disfigures, or endangers the life of the victim. The resulting injury is therefore usually one of a permanent nature.
  • Assaulting a Police Officer: Intentional application of force towards a police officer, assaulting a police officer while resisting arrest, or assaulting a police officer while they conduct a lawful search or seizure.
  • Sexual Assault: Assault of a sexual nature that results in a violation of the victim. Sexual assault occurs when the victim does not consent to the sexual act.

Penalties may include fines, imprisonment, probation, and a lasting impact on your criminal record. A conviction can also affect your employment prospects, immigration status, and your ability to travel internationally.

Don’t Face Your Assault Charge Alone

A skilled criminal defence lawyer is essential to help you navigate the complexities of the legal system, protect your rights, and develop a strong defence strategy tailored to your specific case.

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