Crimes Against Persons

Criminal Harassment

Criminal harassment involves engaging in conduct without lawful authority that causes another person to reasonably fear for their safety or the safety of someone they know, in all circumstances.

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Homicide refers to the act of causing the death of another person, either directly or indirectly, through threats, fear of violence, or deceptive actions that result in their demise. Canada distinguishes four categories of homicide: first degree, second degree, manslaughter, and infanticide.

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Kidnapping is an aggravated form of unlawful confinement that includes the additional element of movement, increasing the risk of harm to the victim by isolating them from a location where detection and rescue would be more likely.

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Although the terms kidnapping and abduction are sometimes used interchangeably, the Criminal Code treats them differently. Abduction, as defined in section 280 of the Code, specifically refers to the taking of a child by one parent or caregiver in a custodial dispute.

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