Prevent a Sexual Assault Charge from Derailing Your Life

Depend on a Specialist in Sexual Assault Defence

If you've been accused of sexual assault, it's crucial to have an accomplished sexual assault lawyer on your side. Nicholas Robinson, boasting an impressive track record of success, is dedicated to the tireless defence of your rights and the protection of your reputation

Don't wait – call us now for a free consultation.




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Nicholas Robinson, Sexual Assault Lawyer

Sexual Assault Defence Specialist

Proven Track Record Defending Sexual Assault Charges

Nicholas Robinson is a committed criminal defence lawyer with offices in Regina, Saskatchewan, and Toronto, Ontario. Since 2009, Nicholas has provided individualized and responsive legal representation to over 1,300 clients, ensuring they feel understood, respected, and effectively defended. His dedication has resulted in more than 100 successful trial matters.

Nicholas's vast experience spans from tackling complex class actions against formidable opponents such as General Motors, Mattel, GlaxoSmithKline, and Conrad Black, to fervently defending clients against diverse criminal allegations. No case is too complex or too simple – whether it involves accusations of sexual assault or impaired driving, Nicholas is unwavering in his commitment to safeguard your rights and protect your future.

Reach out to Nicholas today to experience the difference that a seasoned and empathetic criminal defence lawyer can make in your case.

Personalized Legal Services

Flexible Payment Plans Available

24/7 Availability

Serving All of Saskatchewan

CCL Best Rated
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Practice Areas

Cases We Handle

During the case evaluation, we will help you understand your legal options and determine our capability to back your case effectively.

Sexual Assault

Sexual Interference



Invitation to Sexual Touching

Flight From a Peace Officer

Nicholas Robinson, Criminal Lawyer
Contact us Day or Night 24/7

Office Phone: (306) 517-6636
Email: [email protected]

Unit #700, 2010-11th Avenue
Royal Bank Building
Regina, SK, S4P 0J3

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