The accused was charged with Assault CC.266 on their spouse. After discussions with the Crown, the accused received a 12-month Conditional Discharge.
Author: Bailey Johnson
R. v. J.L.
The accused was charged with Possession for the Purposes of Distribution C.A.9(2), and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Not Exceeding $5000 CC.354(1)(a). After discussions with the Crown, the Possession of Property charge was dropped and the accused received a 2-year less a day Conditional Sentence Order for Possession for the […]
R. v. J.R.
The accused, who was a youth, was charged with two counts of Assault CC.266. The matter was referred to Alternative Measures Programing. Once the accused completed Alternative Measures Programming, all charges were withdrawn by the Crown.
R. v. J.L.
The accused was charged with Impaired Driving CC.320.14(1)(a) and Exceed .08 cc.320.14(1)(b). Upon completion of trial, they were acquitted of all charges after the court agreed that their Charter Rights were violated in their arrest