

Understanding Your Right to Additional Opportunities to Consult with Counsel

Understanding your rights as a detainee is crucial for ensuring fair treatment and protecting your interests. By familiarizing yourself with the general principles, exceptions, and procedures surrounding the right to counsel, you can navigate detainee situations more confidently and effectively. Section 10(b) – Right to Counsel Section 10(b) of the […]

Criminal lawyer criminal proceedings

Understanding Your Rights: Section 11(c) and Section 7 in Canadian Law

Understanding the complexities of legal rights in criminal proceedings is essential for anyone engaged with the justice system. In this blog post, we’ll focus on two pivotal aspects of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Section 11(c) – Protection against testimonial compulsion, and Section 7 – Right Against Self-Incrimination.  […]


Understanding the Charge of “Overcoming Resistance to Commission of Offence”

The charge of “Overcoming Resistance to Commission of Offence” is a critical component of Canadian criminal law, especially in cases involving aggravated forms of assault and sexual assault.  What is “Overcoming Resistance to Commission of Offence”? Section 246 of the Criminal Code defines Overcoming Resistance to Commission of Offence as […]