The accused was charged with Assault CC.266 in a Domestic Violence matter. Accused was admitted to DV Programing and upon completion of programming, they received an Absolute Discharge.
Tag: Assault
R. v. B. B. & N. B.
The parties involved were co-accused’s on a Break and Enter CC.348, Utter Threats CC.264, and Assault CC.266. While the matter was in docket, all charges were stayed.
R. v. D.C.
The accused was charged with Assault CC.266 on their partner. The matter was referred to alternative measures and the accused received an absolute discharge.
R. v. S.S.
The accused was charged with Assault with a Weapon CC. 267(1). While in docket, with a strong self defence argument, the matter was stayed by the Crown.
R.v. A.N.
The accused was charged with Assault CC.266. The accused was admitted into alternative measures programming. Upon completion of programming, all charges were dropped.
R. v. R.T.
The accused was charged with Assault CC.266 on their spouse. After discussions with the Crown, the accused received a 12-month Conditional Discharge.
R. v. J.R.
The accused, who was a youth, was charged with two counts of Assault CC.266. The matter was referred to Alternative Measures Programing. Once the accused completed Alternative Measures Programming, all charges were withdrawn by the Crown.
R. v. M.Y.
The accused was charged with Assault CC. 266 on their spouse. The accused began receiving counselling. Upon the completion of treatment to the satisfaction of the Crown, a Stay of Proceedings was issued with the accused maintaining no criminal record.
R. v. J.F.
The accused was charged with Assault cc.266 against their intimate partner and later Breaching Conditions cc.145(4)(a). After attending mental health programming, the breach charge received Stay of Proceedings and shortly after, the Assault charge received a Stay of Proceedings as well.