After initially retaining us in the early stages of the investigation, the accused was eventually charged with Sexual Assault and Sexual Interference dating back a few years. After completing the review of disclosure and discussions with the Crown, all matters were stayed.
Tag: Sexual Assault
R. v. D.G.
The accused, who was a youth, was charged with Sexual Assault CC.271. After various court ordered evaluations and discussions with the Crown, the accused was sentenced to probation.
R. v. C. H.
The accused was charged with sexual assault against their partner. Following Pre-Trial discussions, Crown issues Stay of Proceedings.
The Legal Process Following a Sexual Assault Accusation
Initiation of a Sexual Assault Complaint In Canada, an individual can file a sexual assault complaint with law enforcement regardless of the time that has passed since the alleged assault. The Criminal Code doesn’t set a limitation period for crimes, but summary offences have a 6-month prescriptive period. It is […]
Sexual Assault Lawyer Explains: Mistaken Belief in Consent
Sexual assault is defined under the Criminal Code of Canada as any form of unwanted sexual contact or activity committed without consent. A sexual assault charge does not depend solely on contact with any specific part of the human anatomy but rather the act of a sexual nature that violates […]
Dealing with a Sexual Assault Charge
What Is Sexual Assault? Section 271 of the Criminal Code defines sexual assault as any form of unwanted sexual contact or activity committed without consent. The definition is not limited to contact with particular parts of the human body. Instead, it focuses on acts of a sexual nature that infringe […]
Understanding Sexual Assault Sentencing in Saskatchewan
Sexual assault, as defined by section 271 of the Criminal Code of Canada, occurs when one person performs an unwanted sexual act on another without their voluntary agreement or consent. However, this definition is not as straightforward as it may seem. Actions that can be deemed as sexual are subjective, […]
Sexual Assault Charge: Penalties and Consequences
Sexual assault is a traumatizing experience that can have a profound and enduring impact on the victims. In Canada, sexual assault is a severe criminal offense that is treated with great gravity, and a conviction can lead to harsh penalties. Sexual Assault Explained: Non-Consensual Sexual Activity Sexual assault entails any […]